What a good idea. As a nation we are broke.
Does the
McKinsey plan stack up? We are training too many doctors. At the current rate we are likely to have 10's of thousands of trained, unemployed consultants in the future. Do we really need every minor complaint to be treated within 18 weeks, does it make sense? Try ordering a sofa and see how long to takes to arrive. Urgent conditions should be treated immediately, semi urgent within a couple of weeks and everything else should wait its turn.
Can we lose 130,000 jobs in the NHS and continue? You bet. The NHS is stuffed to the gills with Workforce Transformation Directors (£100k), HR Business Partners(?), Service Improvement Facilitators, Diversity Coordinators, Safe-guarding Leads, Deputy Heads of Car Parking and a whole slew of hopeless managers. Management numbers could be halved with most of the duties taken on by nurses, physios, doctors etc, for themselves. It would probably not make a jot of difference.
Cut medical student numbers, sack lots of management posts. Good idea.
Sack lots of nurses or front line doctors? Quite clearly they have never been admitted to a general medical ward on a busy take in the era of the EWTD!